Paper | Title | Page |
MO2I1 |
ISOLDE Isotope Production (LE, Post-Accel), for Physics, Material and Life Sciences (MEDICIS Inclusive), Facility Upgrades | |
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MO2I2 |
Radioactive Ion Beams at TRIUMF, ISAC and ARIEL: Status and Perspectives | |
TRIUMF’s ISAC facility delivered for more than two decades radioactive ion beams to experiments. The isotopes are produced by bombarding solid targets with a beam of 500 MeV protons. Singly charged ions up to 60 keV are extracted, mass selected and distributed to experiments. For experiments requiring higher energy, they are accelerated up to 15 MeV/u by a heavy ion linac consisting of an RFQ, a room temperature drift tube structure and a superconducting linac. Ions with a mass > 30amu are charge state bred with an ECR ion source. A new facility under construction (ARIEL) aims to dripple the amount of beam time available to users. It combines two target stations, a high-resolution mass separator and an EBIS charge breeder. One target station will produce the isotopes from up to 100 kW electrons at 30 MeV and photo fission, while the other one with an additional proton beam from the TRIUMF cyclotron. Results from the existing ISAC facility will be presented. Plans for improvements to ISAC operation and the status of the ARIEL set up will be discussed together with an operational model to run simultaneously all three target stations. | ||
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MO4I1 |
High Beam Power Operations at RIKEN RIBF: Technical Developments, Challenges and Resolutions | |
The Radioactive Isotope Beam Factory (RIBF) of RIKEN is a cyclotron-based heavy ion accelerator facility, which can accelerate heavy ions including uranium up to 345 MeV/u using an accelerator complex with a K2600-MeV Superconducting Ring Cyclotron (SRC) in the last stage to produce rare isotope beams in an in-flight technique. The first beam was obtained in 2006, and the beam service to the users was started in the following year. In the 15 years of developments since then, the intensity and stability of the heavy-ion beams have been significantly improved. For example, the uranium beam extracted from SRC reached 117 pnA with a beam power of 9.6 kW, exceeding the facility goal of 100 pnA set in 2011. Additionally, 70Zn beams have reached an intensity of 788 pnA and a beam power of 19.0 kW. The availability of the accelerator has also exceeded 90¥%. Various scientific results on unstable nuclei have been produced by such beams. The core experimental instrumentations, such as the Rare RI Ring, are now in operation, and further results are expected in the future. This paper will discuss the various technological developments that have been made since the start of RIBF acceleration and will provide future directions. | ||
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MO4C3 | Development, Fabrication and Testing of the RF-Kicker for the Acculinna-2 Fragment Separator | 37 |
The Acculinna-2 radioactive beam separator was designed and built between 2012 and 2014, then installed and tested by Sigmaphi in 2015 and in full operation since 2016 at the Flerov laboratory of JINR in Dubna. In order to achieve efficient separation of neutron-deficient species, an RF kicker was foreseen since the beginning of the project but was put on hold for many years. In 2016 Sigmaphi got a contract to study, build, install and test an RF kicker with a variable frequency ranging between 15 and 21 MHz and capable of producing 15kV/cm transverse electric fields in a 10 cm gap over a 1m long distance.# The presentation first recalls the rationale of an RF-kicker to separate neutron-deficient species. It then goes through the different steps of the study, initial choice of the cavity structure, first dimensioning from analytical formulas, finite elements computations and tuning methods envisioned, down to a final preliminary design.# A 1/10 scaled mock-up of this final shape was built and tested as a check before building the full-size cavity. The NTG company was then contracted to perform, in a joint collaboration with Sigmaphi, the final study, detailed design, construction and factory testing of the real cavity. The presentation highlights the fabrication and tests of both mock-up and real size cavities through a series of pictures.# The complete RF-kicker, with its power supply, control and pumping systems was installed on the Acculinna-2 beamline in June 2019. Because the U400M cyclotron was due to shut down by mid-2020, the Acculinna-2 team decided to use the separator to accumulate as much data as possible, to be processed during the 2 years closing time. A 1-week time window for kicker testing was only available in February 2020, a short but sufficient time lapse to successfully drive the cavity at full power and test it over a wide frequency range. Unfortunately, because of cyclotron closure, no beam tests have been performed so far. The latest availabl | ||
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About • | Received ※ 26 June 2022 — Revised ※ 10 August 2022 — Accepted ※ 15 September 2022 — Issue date ※ 29 September 2022 | |
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TU2C4 | Beam Tuning Automation Activities at TRIUMF | 52 |
Funding: This activity is supported by MITACS IT23740 The particle accelerator complex at TRIUMF provides beams for secondary particle production including rare isotopes. The post acceleration of rare isotope ions demands frequent changes of beam properties like energy and changes of the ion species in terms of isotope and charge state. To facilitate these changes to beam properties and species, a High Level Applications (HLA) framework has been developed that provides the essential elements necessary for app development: access to sophisticated envelope simulations and any necessary beamline data, integration with the control system, version control, deployment and issue tracking, and training materials. With this framework, one can automate collection of beam data and subsequently pull that data into a model which then outputs the necessary adjustments to beam optics. Tuning based on this method is model coupled accelerator tuning (MCAT) and includes pursuits like the training of machine learning (ML) agents to optimize corrections benders. A summary of the framework will be provided followed by a description of the different applications of the MCAT method - both those currently being pursued, and those envisioned for the future. |
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About • | Received ※ 21 June 2022 — Revised ※ 30 June 2022 — Accepted ※ 01 July 2022 — Issue date ※ 10 August 2022 | |
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TUP08 | RF Chopper for Prebunched Radioactive Ion Beams | 87 |
An RF chopper system is being designed for the Re-Accelerator (ReA) linac at the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) at Michigan State University (MSU). The chopper system is designed to clean out satellite bunches and produce a 16.1 MHz bunch structure, which allows for time-of-flight separation of the isotopes. The chopper system’s location in the beamline is between the ReA3 and ReA6 cryomodules. In ReA, the beam can be prebunched at the frequency of 16.1 MHz and accelerated in a 80.5 MHz RFQ, producing four satellite bunches for every one high-intensity bunch. The chopper system includes an RF deflector operating at 64.4 MHz, which is the beat frequency of 80.5 MHz and 16.1 MHz. The deflector deflects every bunch to spatially separate high-intensity and satellite bunches. The beam trajectory is biased by a constant magnetic field to ensure the high-intensity bunches do not experience any total deflection. The kicked bunches are low in intensity and will be sent to a beam dump, resulting in a clean 16.1 MHz beam structure injected into the ReA6 cryomodule. | ||
Poster TUP08 [0.437 MB] | ||
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About • | Received ※ 20 June 2022 — Revised ※ 30 June 2022 — Accepted ※ 10 August 2022 — Issue date ※ 19 September 2022 | |
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WE1I2 |
Status of the FAIR Facility | |
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WE1I3 | FRIB Commissioning | 118 |
Funding: Work supported by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Science under Cooperative Agreement DE-SC0000661, the State of Michigan and Michigan State University. The Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB), a major nuclear physics facility for research with fast, stopped and reaccelerated rare isotope beams, was successfully commissioned and is in operation. The acceleration of Xe, Kr, and Ar ion beams above 210 MeV/u using all 46 cryomodules with 324 superconducting cavities was demonstrated. Several key technologies were successful-ly developed and implemented for the world’s highest energy continuous wave heavy ion beams, such as full-scale cryogenics and superconducting radiofrequency resonator system, stripping of heavy ions with a thin liquid lithium film, and simultaneous acceleration of multiple-charge-state heavy ion beams. In December 2021, we demonstrated the production and identification of 84Se isotopes and, in January 2022, commissioned the FRIB fragment separator by delivering a 210 MeV/u argon beam to the separator’s focal plane. The first two user experiments with primary 48Ca and 82Se beams have been successfully conducted in May-June 2022. |
Slides WE1I3 [6.543 MB] | ||
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About • | Received ※ 21 June 2022 — Revised ※ 29 June 2022 — Accepted ※ 10 August 2022 — Issue date ※ 29 September 2022 | |
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WE2I1 | The New GANIL Beams: Commissioning of SPIRAL 2 Accelerator and Resent Developments | 124 |
The GANIL installation at Caen in France has been operating with warm temperatures cyclotrons for heavy ion beam physics since 1983. The accelerated stables beams widely ranges from Carbon to Uranium beams. Low energy and post accelerated radioactive ion beams are also being provided. The GANIL laboratory has newly increased their different ion beams available with the installation and commissioning of a superconducting linear accelerator ’ SPIRAL 2 and its experimental areas. The construction started in 2011, the first beam was extracted at low energy in late 2014 with pre-acceleration in 2017 and since 2019 the new installation delivers beam for nuclear physics experiments. This paper will cover the commissioning of the SPIRAL 2 installation at GANIL with its superconducting LINAC - but also the latest development of stable and radioactive beams at the cyclotrons. | ||
Slides WE2I1 [7.801 MB] | ||
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About • | Received ※ 20 June 2022 — Revised ※ 10 August 2022 — Accepted ※ 25 September 2022 — Issue date ※ 28 September 2022 | |
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WE2I2 |
Status and Challenges of High Intensity Heavy Ion Accelerator Facility (HIAF) in China | |
HIAF is a proposed new accelerator facility for advances in the nuclear physics and related research fields in China. The HIAF facility plan was approved by central government of China in December 2012 and now is under construction. The construction of the accelerator complex began in 2018 and is scheduled to be complete by the end of 2025. A series of new and innovative technologies have adopted for technical challenges and critical issues for the varication of the feasibility, reliability and performance of HIAF. In the past several years, the prototypes have been developed successfully for these innovative technologies, such as superconducting 45GHz ECR ion source, innovative fast cycling power supply based on full-energy storage principle, ceramic-lined thin wall vacuum chamber and magnetic alloy core loaded cavity. The machine design was optimized based on these prototypes developments, details of technical design has been finished and some hardware systems already go into production. The construction of civil construction and common system are also going smoothly. The progress and present status will be given in the presentation. | ||
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TH1I1 |
nuCARIBU: Upgrade of the CARIBU Facility at Argonne | |
Funding: This work was carried out under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Physics, under contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357. The CARIBU facility at Argonne National Laboratory has been providing to users low-energy and reaccelerated beams of neutron-rich fission fragments for about a decade. These were obtained from a gas catcher system thermalizing fission fragments from a roughly 1 Ci 252Cf source that were then extracted as a low-energy beam that is purified by successive mass separation in a high-resolution separator and an MR-TOF system. While the system provided world unique beams, obtaining the required thin 252Cf source turned out to be an unreliable process that has hampered sustained operation. To remedy this situation, CARIBU is now being upgraded to nuCARIBU that will use a neutron-generator system to induce neutron-induced fission on a thin foil of 235U located inside the gas catcher. This will provide a more controllable source of fission products and a roughly order of magnitude improvement in total yield. The neutron generator is based on the (p,7Li) reaction with the beam from a compact high-intensity 6 MeV cyclotron hitting a high-power solid lithium target surrounded by a moderator. The nuCARIBU system, its expected performance, connection to ATLAS and current status will be presented. |
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FR1I1 |
Design Status of the EIC/Electron Ion Collider Design and Path Forward | |
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